Article by Włodzimierz Cygan about “Integration of Art and Science in the Age of AI, 5th Art & Science International Exhibition and Symposium,” hosted by Academy of Arts & Design, Tsingha University and the National Museum of China in Beijing, China (2019)
Published in “Powidoki” Issue No 4. (Poland)
ABSTRACT: IntegratIon of art and science In the era
of artifIcial Intelligence.
Today, there are a lot of international art events with a textile profile organized worldwide. Perhaps their number is increasing, or maybe due to easier access to information and quicker communication we realize how many of them actually exist. The major powers of the modern world understand the need to support these events. For what reason? As a frequent participant and a jury member of international fiber art exhibitions held in China, I try to find today’s position of textile art against the background of modern art in the world and give some examples of the direction in which fiber artists are going.